Last time I played Zach in X wing he stomped me. I did get some lucky shots off though. Today were actually to be switching roles he played rebels last time and hes goint to play imperials so I get a chance take the rebles today.
Rebels and the Empire face off again |
[Zach] Last time I played Ryan I was the good guys so I guess it's time to switch roles and I'll play Imperials. Ryan used an Academy pilot in our last game that really cleaned my clock so I figure I'll try and duplicate that luck and use it on my own team. Also I'm taking an Obsidian squadron pilot to round out my team and give me two tie fighters.
With pilot skills of one and three I'm pretty sure I'm going to move first and shoot last, but I'm hoping I can use my maneuverability and speed to get around behind Biggs and give Ryan a serious headache. Tie fighters have no shields, so I need to make sure not to put them in harms way needlessly, or this game will be over really quickly.
Zack set up the board with a scattering of asteroids around the board, we didn't get a chance to play with them last time. Maybe it'll add a new element to the game and make us have to think ahead a couple of turns. No this game can go on for a few turns that are very quick with nothing going on so we'll be bringing you the highlights.
Hello Zach! say hello to my little friend! |
That's one of the big selling points on this game for me; the fact that you're always active. You're going to try to guess what the other guys can try to pull, and trap him so that you can fire at him and if possible make sure that he can't fireback.
Zack leads off with the Academy pilot on turn to draw him straight into front of my crosshairs. But he continues to flank with obsidian squadron pilot. He may just be using is cheaper craft to bait into a trap. Although it's totally got to work on me this time, it's too much over word to pass up an opportunity to take an early shot at the worst of the two pilots.
I get a decent roll to shoot but he easily dodges out-of-the-way as he takes his dodge action, I'm not going to waste my target lock this turn because even if I reroll the last die and get a hit his three dodges are still got to cancel my hits out.
Oh Noez! |
Not quite in rangement one as I had feared, Zack rolls his dice one comes up a hit, the other critical hit I better get really lucky, my dice roll they come up two dodges.
Lucky for Ryan, Biggs can dodge with the best of them. |
'I have you now!' attr; nameless academy pilot |
In a desperate bid to turn the tables knowing that his guys very maneuverable and Zack makes good use of that, I decided on a short left Bank. Which paid off because his craft blasted forward and reversed While his Academy pilot slid right up behind, While I was still in the academy pilots firing arc I was able to get close to the better pilot while he had a stress token and brought them into my close range band. Pay dividends causing to damage to the Imperial.
Through a combination of guessing what the other guys could do second-guessing those thoughts and trying to outsmart our clever plans Zach and I both ended up with knowing each other's firing arcs. The next turn it will be crucial.
a comedy of errors. |
All pilots blasting forward getting awfully crowded In outer space, I managed to bring my craft right nose to nose almost to Zacks Academy pilot letting the lasers fly bring him down to one final point on his academy pilot, Position of severely damaged hopefully all that's left is to clean up the chaff.
Here's the set up... |
Biggs lets loose before the academy pilot takes his shot. |
That was a great game, Each turn was interesting this time. I played a couple games before there's turns and turns of posturing and maneuvering before you can get a clean shot. Even with just the starter set ships We have a lot of maneuvering and Cat and mousing around. Congrats to Zach, he played quite well. I'll have to get my revenge soon.
That was an awesome game. Ryan is always a fun opponent, and he kept me guessing most of the game. My ultimate plan of outmaneuvering Ryan worked, although my TIEs both were pretty banged up. That lucky Academy pilot did his job, and did the most damage to Biggs. My Obsidian Squad pilot helped out too, and having 2 craft is always better than 1. Good game Ryan, I look forward to the inevitable rematch
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